The Challenge Aster aspired to increasingly adopt contemporary talent development approaches over traditional forms of employee evaluation such as performance appraisals and word of mouth. In order to realise Aster’s goal of making talent-related decisions based on objective evidences, Aster wanted a pragmatic yet cost-effective solution that involved psychometrics.
The Solution Propel International designed and delivered a Development Centre programme customised and aligned to Aster’s industry, values, and wider strategy. Additionally, Propel International also provided individual feedback reports to the participants that highlighted the areas to focus on and practical developmental suggestions to help realise participants’ potentials.
The OutcomePropel International’s ability to deliver this high-volume project within a tight deadline enabled Aster to make talent decisions based on objective evidence, thus achieving their mission to create a fair and transparent environment. Additionally, the talent metrics and aggregate analysis provided by Propel International allowed Aster to identify critical developmental themes at the business level.